Monday, September 8, 2014



Albert is my comic drawn with a tablet and a bamboo pen. I enjoy drawing him enormously and if he earned me some money, I'd draw him all the time! Right now as I've told I am consentrading on my bear documentary for the Finnish film foundation.

Below is a picture of some very old comics I made when I was 17 and that were the first things I ever published. These were on a Finnish tabloid.


This was the very first 3D creature I ever modeled.
A tool.

Perhaps you know the feeling of being extremely enthusiastic about such as t- pose, control points and polygons? The enthusiasm is so vast that few react strongly enough to it for your taste. That’s when you get the feeling of having masking tape over your mouth though there is not any. Your exploding thoughts can weaken and fade into thick air if you cannot share them.  

Albert is my first 3D creature that has a somehow functioning skeleton and skinning.

Whilst making this bear I sort of understood how to play with polygon mesh!

Woohoo! I was accepted to the Metropolia University to study 3D animation for real! Now I'll also be a computer animator and for the first time I will be studying what I want most!

I cannot help sharing my first 3D model of a gallery here. It is just so ridiculous that it's hilarious. I wish I found out how to make pictures bigger here tho... Has been difficult with my newer version of Windows. Hmphh..

My poor little airplane without a door.. :/ My 3D teacher said it was OKAy not to have a door because people could enter through the windows.. Gaaah..

"Virtual clay" taking shape.

Oh, there are things to fix there but still. Happy to have my hermit crab in there now.


Yeay! They can move now!

 My first ever computer animation clip.The rig and the mesh not self made. The animation is and I naturally put the textures on these by myself:

 I've been modelling a 3D Stephen Fry to learn more. Still a lot to do before he can be animated.
An attempt to make some newbie computer animation with the schools rig: