Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I don't know how to change the order of the posts yet other than changing their publishing dates. So this is the newest. 

This post will be about different thoughts that in a way or an other have something to do with artistic stuff.

 I went to see Twelfe Night in London with my mom and my 8 year old niece. The play was spectacular. Even my mother who didn't grasp SO much of the language said she would have liked it without understanding it at all and my niece kept on demonstrating how the "queens" walked smoothly for the whole next day. 

I am always delighted beyond what I can say when I see so much talent somewhere. Everyone and everything was striking. Mark Rylance was new to me and I was blown away by his skills and delicious way of moving. Stephen Fry is simply a master of EVERYTHING and also 
(I know this) a wonderful, kind man. 

My niece drew actors being prepared for the play.

This is how my niece experienced me meeting Stephen. :-D

I threw away two boxes filled with drawings like this once when I moved.

When I was 18 I made my first coloured animation ( 90 seconds) and I painted it on cells.  It was maddness.

My bath whisks are drying out in the sun for winter! In old tradition these needed to be done before mid- summer.

I kept a 10 hour animation course to Children at Vantaan kuvataidekoulu. Here is what the children made within the very short time!

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